Apr 18, 2013


        Yesterday in Washington, D.C., the only criminal class native to  America went on a rampage. The U.S. Senate voted against expanding background checks to include gun purchases made on-line and at gun shows. They also refused to ban high-capacity ammunition clips and to renew the ban on civilians owning assault rifles. Thus, keeping the flow  of weapons to criminals, terrorists and deranged people open and unimpeded. The vote didn’t follow party or gender lines. Four Democrats crossed the aisle as did four women senators. What’s more, they did it in the presence of their former colleague, Gabrielle Giffords, still suffering from being shot in the head two years ago and the parents of children murdered at Newtown Elementary School four months ago. Mark Twain wrote, “There’s no native American criminal class except Congress.” In their vote yesterday, the U.S. Senate proved both him correct and President Obama, who said, “It’s a pretty shameful day for Washington.” America should recoil in disgust.

1 comment:

  1. As Will Rogers once noted, "We have the best Congress money can buy." The Senate behaved egregiously by ignoring the will of the electorate and caving in to the Oz behind the curtain that is the NRA leadership. Not sure if the fear of being pilloried by Fox News is a factor or if the diluted intelligence pool of the Tea Party faction is just playing itself out. Gerrymandered districts allow for such arrogant disregard of public opinion.
