Oct 30, 2013


Bob Keeshan! Thou should'st be living at this hour: Congress has need of thee: it is a pen of ignorant toddlers.

     Mr. Keeshan was for thirty years a children's television host named Captain Kangaroo. Wearing a blue uniform and a neat, grey mustache, he kept a generation of boomers quiet and well-behaved for an hour while they watched his show. Mr. Keeshan is gone, but his mustache lives on. I saw it on TV recently. It (or a close likeness) squats beneath the snout of Rep. David McKinley (R. West Virginia). I noticed it during TV coverage of a congressional hearing into the flawed roll-out of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. The irony is that it was on a congressional Republican, who was behaving worse than a spoiled child.

     At the hearing by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Thursday, 10/24, Rep. McKinley demanded an apology from four government contractors who worked on the trouble-plagued Obamacare website. "I haven't heard one of you apologize to the American public . . . for problems associated with not having this thing ready. Are apologies not in order?"

     No, they aren't, you fatuous booby. Not until you apologize for shutting down the U.S government. How dare you ask for an apology when you cost taxpayers billions of dollars for no reason. You didn't even apologize to fellow Republicans for embarrassing them because you got nothing in return for this bizarre stunt.

     Worse, according to The United Health Foundation, David McKinley represents a state with a crushing need for Obamacare. West Virginia ranks forty-ninth in the health of its citizens as measured by obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Its only competition is Mississippi and, sometimes, Louisiana. The Mountain State, however, is second to none when it comes to missing teeth among its elderly. Half of them have no teeth at allWhat's more, the region is, shall we say, economically distressed, so the need for low-cost healthcare is acute. Yet, their Congressman is doing his best to make sure it isn't available. Instead, David McKinley is whining, pouting and petulantly demanding an apology because the Obamacare website isn't ready on schedule. 

     The real Captain Kangaroo would know what to do with this brat. He'd put him over his knee - and not to take his temperature.

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