Jan 3, 2014


Since it is now legal to buy marijuana for recreational use in Colorado, the following scene is, no doubt, being repeated all over the state.

A woman walks into “Bong For Glory,” a legal marijuana dispensary.

Good morning, madam.
Good morning, sir. I’d like an ounce of your best “shit,” please.

I just got some “Maui Zowie” in this morning and I think you’ll find it particularly pungent.

He lets her smell it.
Mmmm. How many . . . “doobies” to the ounce?
Depends how you roll them.
I’ve never done that. I don’t suppose you could do that for me?
No, but you could use a pipe.
Far too masculine.
How about a “bong?”
Excuse me?
A water pipe.
Like a hookah?
No, madam, like this.

He takes out an object that looks like plumbing on, well, drugs.

It cools the smoke before you breathe it in and avoids the Mammy Yoakem effect of a pipe.

Very civilized. Do I have to wear a Grateful Dead shirt while using it?

No, but it helps.

No, thanks. I’ll take the, uhh, “bong” and the . . .

“Maui Zowie.”

The clerk rings it up.
That will be eight hundred and thirty two dollars.
Very expensive. I was led to believe it was a nickel a bag.
Not literally, madam. Never literally.
Very well.

She charges it.

Here is your receipt, your bong and your “stash.” Have a mellow afternoon.

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