Oct 20, 2009

Thanks Rhymes With Banks.

The front page of today's (10/20/09) New York Times (upper left corner, above the fold -
for the three people to whom that still matters) has an article by David D. Kirkpatrick that
begins: " The Wall Street giants that received a financial lifeline from Washington may have no
compunction about paying big bonuses to their dealers and traders. But their willingness to
deliver "thank you" gifts to President Obama and the Democrats is another question entirely."
File this story under:
1) Shocking, but not surprising.
2) Okay, what part of this is news?
3) Boy, I want to read a whole story about that, especially while I'm eating breakfast.
4) How is this different from being held by the Taliban?
5) Is there an election coming up? Really? So soon?
6) Hey, those guys were really Republicans, after all.
7) You shouldn't begin a sentence with "But," especially if the previous sentence (or fragment) has the word "may" in it. But I could be wrong.
8) If the banks thank Obama for anything, it should be for giving them money without imposing regulations.
9) Aren't there, like, a thousand laws about corporations thanking government officials? No?!
10) What does "K Street" have to do with anything?
11) Shouldn't the banks be thanking the American people instead? What form would that take? Is there a toaster big enough?
12) The idea of banks thanking anyone is an "urban legend" like a alligators in the sewers or the baby in the microwave.


  1. It is disappointing that Geithner & Summers haven't even had to pretend to be "double agents," seemingly willing to reform how Wall St. does business in support of their employer, President Obama, while, all the time, actually furthering the goals of a secret cabal of Wall St. financiers interested only in their own well-being at the expense of taxpayers.

  2. No too many secret cabals these days. I wish there were - it sounds so romantic. The reality is so . . . dull: boring, small-minded men protecting their privileges. Dressed up thugs.
