Dec 29, 2009

2000-2009: Name That Ruin.

As the year and the decade ends, we should decide what to call the last ten years. The Oughts, the Ohs, the Zeros? How about “The Good For Nothings?” It seems appropriate for a decade that began with Y2K, followed with 9/11 and included natural disasters such as the Tsunami of 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005. There was full compliment of man-made disasters, too, but unlike the natural ones, they’re ongoing: the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the failing economy and the airline industry. We should, of course, be careful, when using the word, “disaster” in connection with air travel. So, let’s describe it as routine humiliation interrupted by moments of panic. As for the economic situation, you have your choice of three names – recession, depression or deferred compensation – depending on your experience of it.

About the only bright spot was the election of President Barack Obama in 2008. Most of his term(s?), though, will fall in the next decade, so it doesn’t really count. It does, however, give us something to look forward to. So, say goodbye to “The Good For Nothings” and say hello to “The Splendid Tens.” Happy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Best to avoid the "Time" magazine decade-naming trap. Paul Krugman called the decade "The Big Zero," while The Financial Times weighed in with the "noughties." Editorial cartoonist Dan Wasserman is on the right track by having Father Time employ "The Zeroes" for the Wall St. crash and the "Owe Owes" for future generation debtors and the "Uh Ohs" for the Climate Change set. What about the "Bushdeka"?
